He told me that she is a "Firebreather".
I sort of explored the idea a little bit but I didn't really get it. I mean... I had an idea but it felt really superficial to me. I got distracted and instead of pressing in and writing it out for her I googled "firebreather" to find out if it was a real thing and found out that it absolutely is real.
And then I dropped the whole idea for about a week and a half. During that time I kept being reminded of the "firebreather" word and the fact that I just needed to sit down and send her an email. Today, you will be pleased to know, I sat down and sent the email.
As I wrote I was still feeling a little bit bugged by the idea that maybe this word of encouragement was a bit, ummm... shallow? I admit I was kind of critiquing it when I decided to reread what I had wrote out and all of a sudden God gave new meaning to the word and applied it back to me.
Now, like I said before, I am excited about it and I want to share it.
FIREBREATHER ------> A person who lights fuel, spewed
from their mouths, on fire.
The words that we speak are fuel. When we speak forth the things that God tells us to speak the Holy Spirit ignites those words and burns up the crap that the enemy throws around. We are called to speak forth words that cleanse and purify. Words that restore righteousness and ignite passion. The thing is you actually have to speak the words, you have to get them out. Swallowing fuel is never a good thing and neither is swallowing the words that God gives you to speak. You need to speak it forth, spew it out, in faith knowing that the Holy Spirit is going to ignite those words and light the whole place on fire!
That was the word.
Here's what I got out of it -for me- when I reread it.
First all the words God gives are highly flammable.
I need to be bolder in speaking to the people around me. I need to listen up and speak out when God talks to me in church, in prayer meetings, on the street - wherever and whenever he wants to chat it up with his people.
I was getting pretty good at doing that. Lately I've been pretty quiet and not because God isn't talking. I have just started deciding not to talk.
That is not okay and it needs to change.
Second was in relation to prayer and declaration. I need to do both of those things a lot more because they have power. I might not realize it but when I stand up and start making declarations, when I start praising God and listening for and speaking forth the things he asks me to pray, well...
And that firey breath wrecks havoc in the spiritual realm. It has power to ignite change, renewal and passion. It is absolutely necessary that I pray and speak forth the things that God asks me to say.
And, obviously, in order to bear fruit this requires action. I need to stop swallowing the fuel and I need to start spewing it out in faith... So, that is what I'm going to do.
UPDATE: I just want to add this on. I found a verse for this.
But if I say, "I will not mention him or speak any more in his name," his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.
Jeremiah 20:9